DX (Data Exchange) is a wholesale provider of publicly sourced criminal and landlord-tenant pointer data. With over 20 years of experience in this space, we simply do data differently. Our pointer data is pulled from thousands and thousands of local and international sources and we don't stop there. Our technology and processes allow us to constantly scan for new sites that become available. This means our COVERAGE is second to none.  

ACCURATE information is one of our core building blocks. That means we continuously source and update our data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to provide our clients with the freshest, most COMPLETE data possible. This is especially important because stale data is a leading cause of complaints. We don't stop at fresh data, our technology allows us to deliver it in groundbreaking new formats. We eliminate guesswork! You see what we see.  

See how our technology and data solutions revolutionize current screening challenges around Coverage, Accuracy, and Completeness.  

The DX Difference, Data Done Right.