Financial Institutions Can Profit From Opportunities in Residential Lending


In times like this, staying the course is not typically a safe strategy. But how do you know what path adjustments will lead to success? 

Mortgage lending has never been simple. Besides the obvious challenge of managing risk, you must deal with an ever-changing regulatory environment while at the same time constantly looking for new ways to streamline your lending process.  


In today’s market, mortgage lending is especially challenging. Lenders are bombarded by economic uncertainties, growing competition from fintech, housing affordability, inflation, and changing borrower expectations. Amid all these threats, it’s easy to be overwhelmed, to hunker down and wait until things get better. Yet, it’s more important than ever for financial institutions to be deliberate about how to profit in these conditions. 


Jim DeitchWe're honored to introduce Jim Deitch—certified mortgage banker, top selling author, and CEO/Founder of Teraverde®. As an industry expert, he’s offered his insight on SaaS mortgage technology and the opportunity financial institutions have to facilitate a more valuable, personal relationship with borrowers through this investment.